The ideal end anchoring for safe strengthening.

Carbon Fiber Spike anchor FRS-FC

Open end, high-strength carbon fibre anchor for optimal end-anchorage of carbon fibre fabrics.
Product variantsDownload of image data

Product variants

2 Varianti del prodotto
Cross section
Mean Elastic Modulus (compression)
Visualizzate 2 di 2 varianti

The advantages / Product description

  • Precured side for convenient insertion into drilled holes
  • Fast installation of the precured end with a suitable injection system and installation of the open end with saturating resin FRS-CF
  • Different lengths for different applications available

Application and approval

  • Increased and optimised end-anchorage performance of FRS-W U300 and FRS-W U600 carbon fibre fabrics
  • Anchorage of FRS-W U300 and FRS-W U600 carbon fibre fabrics in axial confinement of columns
  • End anchorage of FRS-W U300 and FRS-W U600 carbon fibre fabrics in flexural strengthening
  • Anchorage of FRS-W U300 and FRS-W U600 carbon fibre fabrics in corners and concave regions of curvature
  • Typical application in fan and circular layout of the loose end
Building materials
  • Concrete
  • Timber
You can find detailed information on building materials in the registration document.

Assembly instruction

  • FRS-FC unidirectional spike anchors are carbon fibre reinforced epoxy rods with a precured part and an open side of uncured loose carbon fibres
  • The precured side is bonded into a drilled hole and the open side is typically laminated onto another layer of FRS-W U300 and FRS-W U600 carbon fibre fabrics
  • The anchors provide additional physical anchorage to the CFRP reinforcement
  • Increase efficiency of load introduction between CF fabrics and the base material
Mounting Strip 1 Picture
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Mounting Strip 2 Picture
1 / 4
Mounting Strip 3 Picture
1 / 5

Documents for download

  • Technical documents
  • Sales materials
FRS-FC Carbon Fiber Spike Anchor